Monday, September 21, 2009

You Don't Have to Spend Too Much on Wedding Invitations

I just got the wedding invitation of my bride-client and boy was it stressful! (I'm a wedding planner, by the way). I was surprised by how much it costs! The wedding invite supplier was charging a lot. What pissed me more was that the white envelope, that is usually included in any wedding invite packages, was sold separately! Where can you ever find wedding invitation supplier more "taga!" like PRINT DIVAS?!?!

I'm sending a warning to all the brides-to-be... If you don't want to get unnecessary stress on your invites, stay away from PRINT DIVAS. Don't be enticed by their work or you'll fall into a trap, which you wouldn't get out of!

Why not consider making your own wedding invitations instead? Not only would you save a lot of money, you will also have a freehand in making your wedding invites. Put anything you want on it to make it unique and special. Take for example Judy Ann Santos' wedding invite. It's just a piece of white paper in a shoe box with a rubber slipper and some clues to the wedding. How unique is that?

I found this video from youtube. It's a DIY Wedding Invite that is simple to make and is elegant looking.

I'm sure you'll be inspired in making your own invite because it's really easy to make. It's as simple as wrapping your christmas gifts! Besides, why spend too much on a wedding invite when your guests would only throw them away after your wedding (except of course if you've created an invitation that is useful to them). Sad truth. But tell me, how many wedding invitations of your friends and relatives are you still keeping in your card stash until today?

I've also found this Printing Press Invitation Software from This would save you a lot of money because not only will you be able to make your own wedding invite, you can also print other invitations and gift cards which you will need in the future when you start a family. For only USD60 or Php3,000, you can print as much invitations as you wish. Unlike when you order from PRINT DIVAS, you'll pay at least Php10,000 for 100 pcs of wedding invitations plus the huge amount of stress you'll get in dealing with their staff! You choose.

I just got the wedding invitation of my bride-client and boy was it stressful! (I'm a wedding planner, by the way). I was surprised by how much it costs! The wedding invite supplier was charging a lot. What pissed me more was that the white envelope, that is usually included in any wedding invite packages, was sold separately! Where can you ever find wedding invitation supplier more "taga!" like PRINT DIVAS?!?!

I'm sending a warning to all the brides-to-be... If you don't want to get unnecessary stress on your invites, stay away from PRINT DIVAS. Don't be enticed by their work or you'll fall into a trap, which you wouldn't get out of!

Why not consider making your own wedding invitations instead? Not only would you save a lot of money, you will also have a freehand in making your wedding invites. Put anything you want on it to make it unique and special. Take for example Judy Ann Santos' wedding invite. It's just a piece of white paper in a shoe box with a rubber slipper and some clues to the wedding. How unique is that?

I found this video from youtube. It's a DIY Wedding Invite that is simple to make and is elegant looking.

I'm sure you'll be inspired in making your own invite because it's really easy to make. It's as simple as wrapping your christmas gifts! Besides, why spend too much on a wedding invite when your guests would only throw them away after your wedding (except of course if you've created an invitation that is useful to them). Sad truth. But tell me, how many wedding invitations of your friends and relatives are you still keeping in your card stash until today?

I've also found this Printing Press Invitation Software from This would save you a lot of money because not only will you be able to make your own wedding invite, you can also print other invitations and gift cards which you will need in the future when you start a family. For only USD60 or Php3,000, you can print as much invitations as you wish. Unlike when you order from PRINT DIVAS, you'll pay at least Php10,000 for 100 pcs of wedding invitations plus the huge amount of stress you'll get in dealing with their staff! You choose.

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much!!! i was about to book print divas for my invites
